We empower our students by training them to have a solid foundation in Voice Over and Acting Technique, while working on their personal brand to create a marketing strategy that enables each talent to build a solid, sustainable and enjoyable Voice Over career.
We specialize in producing Voice Over demos in English and Spanish, which is ideal for bilingual Voice Over talents.
Your Voice Over Demo is your calling card. But what will make you stand out from the tens of other Voice Over talents who sound like you? That’s where we come in. We’ll walk you through the process of building your brand organically, from your essence. Your brand is a promise, and we make sure that your brand represents you and what your voice has to offer the world. We give you a series of exercises that help you refine and define your brand, and in the process, you get more clarity and focus on how to market your voice.


Satisfied Clients
“You won’t go wrong with Jean-Marc, Spanish, English, French. He can even bark, whine and whimper in dog.” – Anne Emerick, Aboon Books
“Jean-Marc was able to help me acquire a Spanish accent faster than before! I feel totally safe and taken care of and free to be my character.” – Jeannine Kaspar
Spanish Voice Over Technique
“I think the class was very insightful. I learned a lot about rhythm, and my own speech. I felt that there was always new information in every class and the warm-ups are very effective. I would definitely recommend this class to anybody who is considering Voice Overs in Spanish.” – Frank Huerta
“I learned many things, and have a better understanding about what Voice overs are about. This is certainly something I would like to do or explore in the future. Jean-Marc is awesome!!!” – Mercedes García
Jean-Marc Berne’s Power Marketing For the VO Actor
“Jean-Marc was a compelling and friendly speaker whose info was top notch. I highly recommend his workshop!” – Mario Bueno
“Thank you for this awesome workshop! Great, great tools, and great speaker! Gracias!” – Gina Resto
“Good presentation. Articulate, know-how, excellent. Insider-best way to learn about the VO business. Good basis for follow up.” – Joe Gillen
“Great class. Very informative. Great leads for agents, networking, etc. Would definitely recommend the class if you want to have a voice over career.” – Carolina Cadillo, Univision traffic reporter
“This has been a great wealth of information for me. Not only was Jean-Marc informative, he was inspirational. I highly recommend any course with Jean-Marc. Thank you for offering this course.” – Elizabeth Rodriguez
“Amazing!!! Such a wealth of information was shared in an enthusiastic manner. I leave feeling more encouraged and hopeful than I ever dreamed possible.” – Alan N. Pressman
“This presentation was all-inclusive with:
- Making an action plan
- Using and developing tools
- Keeping up your health
- The importance of networking
- How not to get stuck
- and making realistic choices.” – Bruce Martin
“Hey Jean-Marc! I just wanted to update you on a new VO gig I started! I am currently the voice of The Thread on YAHOO.com. An online beauty and fashion show. I want to thank you for getting me started in the VO world. My demo showcases exactly who I am and I am so grateful to have met you.” – Meg Lanzarone